


Mimo jiné se taky specializujeme na prodej obálek a poskytuje široký sortiment obálek různých velikostí, od klasických obálek C4 až po menší varianty jako C5, C6/5, DL nebo i specifické formáty například 16×16 cm. Naše obálky jsou dostupné v různých barvách a kvalitních materiálech, což vám umožňuje vybrat si ty nejvhodnější pro vaše konkrétní potřeby.

Náš tým odborníků vám rád poradí s výběrem správného typu obálek a tiskové metody v závislosti na vašich požadavcích. Bez ohledu na to, zda potřebujete obálky pro běžnou korespondenci, reklamní kampaně nebo speciální události, jsme tu, abychom vám pomohli vytvořit profesionální a esteticky příjemnou korespondenci, která osloví vaše klienty a zákazníky.

Můžete se na nás spolehnout nejen pro kvalitní obálky, ale také pro rychlý a spolehlivý tisk. S našimi službami tisku obálek můžete zajistit, že vaše korespondence bude vypadat elegantně a profesionálně. Kontaktujte nás dnes a rádi vám poskytneme další informace o naší nabídce a cenách. Nebo navštivte náš Eshop, kde si obálky můžete i prohlídnout.

Sale of envelopes

Envelope printing

Our professional printing services offer the ability to print envelopes using offset, screen and digital printing to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Offset printing:
Offset printing is ideal for large volumes of printed envelopes. This technology enables high print quality with rich colours and details. It is the optimal choice for corporate communications, sending invoices and large batches of envelopes.

Digital printing:
Digital printing is a flexible and affordable option for smaller runs of envelopes and quick turnaround needs. This technology is suitable for personalising envelopes with different addresses or designs. It’s a great option for campaigns targeting individual customers.

We also offer the option of printing envelopes with different graphics, logos and text to suit your specific requirements, adding a professional and personal touch to your correspondence.

Our team will be happy to advise you on the choice of printing technology and design that best suits your needs.

C4 envelopes

C4 envelopes are one of the most common envelope sizes in an office environment. They are ideal for A4 size and allow you to easily fit a standard sheet of paper without bending or folding. These envelopes are often used for sending important documents, business correspondence or official letters. Thanks to their size and quality workmanship, they are a reliable and elegant solution for professional communication.

C5 envelopes

C5 envelopes are a practical choice for correspondence. These envelopes are ideal for sending smaller letters, invoices, invitations and other documents. Thanks to their medium size, they are comfortable and suitable for normal postal needs. C5 envelopes can be easily sealed, ensuring the contents are protected during delivery. They are suitable for business correspondence as well as personal use and are a practical and economical way to send important documents.

C6/5 and DL envelopes

They are two of the most common envelope sizes in office and commercial environments. C6/5 envelopes are designed for A6 and DL sizes and are ideal for mailing smaller flyers, bills and personal correspondence. On the other hand, DL envelopes are typically used for the standard DL format and are a popular choice for sending invoices, business letters and invitations. They are practical, versatile and suitable for a variety of correspondence needs.